Let me tell you about me.
Topherius is my digital artist pseudonym. I previously pursued multidisciplinary studies including mythology, creative arts, cryptography, and computer graphics. I was fascinated by the cross-cultural threads of sublime meaning that have persisted through all known terrestrial challenges, and wanted the means to convey that meaning in new ways.
I am interested in the intersection of nonlinear narratives, abstraction, space, data, and computing history. I believe that Ethereum, the world computer, is not only a fascinating phenomenon through the lenses of culture, technology, and humanism, but also represents a significant global movement for humanity. I believe the arc of history will describe Ethereum as creating the first instance in praxis of credible, pseudonymous global coordination at scale, with incredible teams and concepts reaching users they might not have otherwise reached. And I believe it is wonderful to be part of that arc, even if through laying claim to a humble uint, stored forever in Ethereum's state. A way to mark — and truly own — one's presence.
I present herein my first four collections of digital art (genesis, beacon, shard, and serenity), each with 32 (or 2^5) hand-made, digital paintings. They are inspired by the past, current, and ideal future of Ethereum. I hope they convey not only the wonder that I felt when discovering the functional magick of Ethereum, but that they will one day also be shared to others who grow up with Ethereum invisible beneath the backdrop of their digital life, humming along undisturbed, nodes in parallel, marching on, block by block, with zero pretense or mortal intervention.
Each work within the first four collections is presented as an image keyed by a single, unique non-fungible token (NFT, ERC 721), with a high-resolution original unlocking at purchase. As I believe in the value of simplicity, only the unique, master NFTs are currently for sale. Archival prints of works (not limited, and not unique) may be available upon request in the future.